Coupons and Coupon Promotion

The Coupon Promotions feature is similar to normal Promotions where an automatic discount is applied once trip conditions are met; however, instead of discounting the current sale, a coupon is printed at the end of the sale and can be used to provide a discount for a future sale.


The following examples demonstrate how the Coupons Promotions feature can be used:

  • To create multiple Coupon Promotions from the one sale
  • To choose Print Only or Serialised Tracking coupons
  • To select simple or advanced printing options with the ability to print to specific network printers or a local receipt printer
  • To track Serialised Coupons in the Idealpos Database and record when printed and redeemed - Serialised Tracking Coupons cannot be redeemed more than once
  • To redeem a Print Only Coupon - you can type in the coupon promo code number to apply the discount within the sale
  • To redeem a Serialised Tracking Coupon - either scan the barcode or manually type in the coupon serial number to apply the discount within the sale
  • To have multiple text lines on the coupon with the option to choose large text and centred
  • To print one or more Graphical Logos stored within the receipt printer
  • To set a coupon validity date or number of days before expiry
  • To print a coupon report on coupons that are outstanding and coupons that have been redeemed